Transatlantic Flight Food Review from the Before Times


We were offered a diverse selection of chicken or pasta. I chose chicken. A tray filled with several small food containers was placed on my drop down dining table for my consumption. I opened the main attraction first– the chicken dish. Several chicken niblets dripping in a tasteless brown sauce accompanied by Israeli couscous awaited me. This was served alongside a bread roll, crackers with a bland soft cheese spread, a salad of two red tomatoes and roughly 5 pieces of lettuce, and a yummy gooey brownie (obviously my favorite part). By this point, I was starving so I ate all of this with great enthusiasm despite the fact that it was decidedly mediocre at best. Oh! The most important part! I ordered a glass of red wine and that bitch filled me a plastic cup TO THE BRIM. So I was properly sloshed while reading my book before falling asleep(ish).


After a few hours of fragmented sleep and trying to bend my arm into more comfortable positions to alleviate my back pain, I heard my neighbor opening something and snapped awake to demand a breakfast (even though I wasn’t really hungry…. I’m not turning down real food!). They gave me a box with sugar yogurt and granola and a cranberry orange muffin top. I ate this alongside a weak cup of coffee while contemplating what people in first class received.